Summer Simulations: Exploring Bertrand’s Ballot Problem with a Simulation Study

Use tidy simulation to solve a version of Bertrand’s classic ballot problem
statistical analysis

Paw Hansen


June 11, 2024

Packages used in this post

Bertrand’s ballot problem is a fascinating challenge in probability theory, originally posed by French mathematician Joseph Bertrand. It asks: if two candidates, A and B, receive 𝑝 and 𝑞 votes respectively, what is the probability that A will stay ahead of B throughout the entire vote counting process? Traditionally, this problem uses absolute vote counts, but in this study, I’ll tweak the problem slightly and use percentage points.

The goal is to simulate this problem using R, exploring how different vote distributions affect the probability of A staying ahead.

To begin, I will simulate one vote counting process by taking advantage of the cumsum function, which calculates the cumulative sum. Let’s simulate a case where A gets 51 percent of the votes and B 49 percent. I also create a “ballot box”, which contains 1s for Part A’s votes and 0s for those of Party B.

p <- 51 # Example of A's vote share
q <- 100 - p # B's vote share follows from p

votes <- c(rep(1, p), rep(0, q)) # Ballot box w/ all votes. 

Now I can create my first simulation by randomly drawing from the ballot box vector (votes). The variables votes_for_a and votes_for_b keep track of how many votes each party has received.

  sims <- 
    tibble(ballot = 1:length(votes)) |> 
    mutate(voted_a = sample(votes, length(votes))) |> 
    mutate(votes_for_a = cumsum(voted_a),
           votes_for_b = cumsum(1 - voted_a))

The resulting data looks like this:

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  ballot voted_a votes_for_a votes_for_b
   <int>   <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1      1       1           1           0
2      2       0           1           1
3      3       0           1           2
4      4       1           2           2
5      5       1           3           2
6      6       0           3           3

Did Party A stay ahead of Party B throughout the vote counting?

all(sims$votes_for_a > sims$votes_for_b)

No (which makes sense given a final majority of only one percent).

Simulating One Vote Count Using a Function

Let us turn our initial code into a function to simulate the vote counting process. This function will help determine if A stays ahead throughout the count:

simulate_votes <- function(p = 50, q = 100 - p) {
  votes <- c(rep(1, p), rep(0, q)) # Ballot box w/ all votes
  sims <- 
    tibble(ballot = 1:length(votes)) |> 
    mutate(voted_a = sample(votes, length(votes))) |> 
    mutate(votes_for_a = cumsum(voted_a),
           votes_for_b = cumsum(1 - voted_a))
  all(sims$votes_for_a > sims$votes_for_b)

# simulate_votes(p = 60) # Make sure the function works

Running the Simulation

Next, I run the simulation across multiple trials to obtain reliable probability estimates. I use the crossing function to create a tibble of all combinations of trials and values of 𝑝. We then apply our simulation function to each value of 𝑝 and record whether A stayed ahead:

rs <- 
  crossing(trial = 1:1000, 
           p = 50:100) |> 
  mutate(ahead = map_lgl(p, ~simulate_votes(p = .)))

Analyzing the Results

One way of presenting the results is using a line graph to show the probability that A stays ahead throughout the vote count for different values of 𝑝.

rs |> 
  group_by(p) |> 
  summarize(probability = mean(ahead)) |> 
  ggplot(aes(p, probability)) + 
  geom_line(size = 1, color = "firebrick") + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) + 
  labs(title = "More votes, bigger chance of leading from start to finish",
       subtitle = "Probability that Party A will be strictly ahead of B throughout the count",
       x = "Party A' Vote Share",
       y = "Probability of Staying Ahead") + 
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 16),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

This plot shows that as the number of votes for A increases, the probability of A staying ahead throughout the count also increases.

Another approach would be to present the results in a table, focusing on specific values of 𝑝 that might be of particular interest:

rs |> 
  group_by(p) |> 
  summarize(probability = mean(ahead)) |> 
  filter(p %in% c(50, 75, 90, 100)) |>  
  kable(col.names = c("Party A's final vote share", "Probability"), 
    digits = 2) 
Table 1: Probability of Party A staing ahead througout the vote counting for selected final vote shares
Party A's final vote share Probability
50 0.00
75 0.50
90 0.81
100 1.00

This table will show the probability of party A staying ahead for selected values of 𝑝, providing a quick reference for key points in our simulation.


The above simulation study reveals that the likelihood of one party remaining ahead throughout the vote count significantly increases with a higher number of votes. This result is quite intuitive but simulation allows us to test if our intuition is correct as well as assigning specific probabilities to outcomes of interest.

You could complicate the simulation study by adding more parties or by allowing the probability of receiving a vote to vary throughout the vote count (so that Party A is more likely to receive its votes early on, for example).

Happy simulating!